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How to convert cold calls to sales?

July 27, 2021

Converting cold calls to sales can contain a whole lot of hard work. It’s not that you’ll get success in one or two calls, it’s more of a numbers game, but along with numbers, the right mindset and strategy is also required to seal deals. 

In the first step, you should take a look over your sales technique and find out ways on how you can explain your products to the prospects better and your sales team must know the correct cold call practices. It shouldn’t be about you, and the call should be more about the products or services you offer and how they can benefit your prospects. Usually, the call should start speaking about the client’s problem and what you can do to solve those issues. 

However, you will encounter numerous occasions where the techniques you’ve learned might not work or later in the call, you realise that the client is not a good fit for you. In that case, it’s better to pull away and politely end the conversation. It’s essential to work with the right clients as many new clients came through word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. 

Let’s check out some ways through which you can convert cold calls to sales:

Warm-up your prospects

It can be daunting in the conversation when you feel that you’re interrupting your client. The essential rule in the conversation shouldn’t interrupt the other part (which most likely happens) and warm them up before getting on a call with them. To do so, you’ll have to implement successful marketing strategies to move your prospects further into the buyer’s journey. By gaining their trust, it becomes earlier to book a consultation with them. You can build their trust by regularly engaging in social media, solving out their queries also by knowing the customer better by using historical data and by analyzing previous calls and meetings these can be done with the help of sales intelligence tools like salesken. This creates a positive image in your client’s minds, and they can trust you more. 

While bringing you leads, your job is also to filter out the people who aren’t a good fit for your business. Weeding the not-so-fit leads can save up a lot of your time. You can ask a question like, “what is your budget for this project?” on your contact form. This way, you can find out who is and don’t need your time to talk more about your process.

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Provide lots of value before talking about money

You shouldn’t ever think that you have to answer all the questions for free, but it means having the right mindset to position the product well because you know that your product can help your customers achieve their goals. Focus on helping people, and don’t try to sound desperate while talking about money. 

Create a script

No, having a script doesn’t solve all your problems. But it does help to be on the right track. While some will use a script that will make you sound robotic, however, it guides you to get in the right direction. Following a script over 100 calls will make you understand what you’re doing right and what you aren’t. It will give you a chance to rinse and repeat the process and do it until the cold calls start converting into sales. It also becomes easier for you to outsource sales work to others, they just have to follow your process, and it’s good to go. 

Keep your conversation short and sweet

It’s recommended instead of walking around the circles, be direct about what you want to say and don’t overdo it. Keeping your conversation short and to the point is a quality of good salespeople. You should also learn how to manage your time while talking with your prospects. You can start by saying, “Can I talk to you for a minute?” This will be the deciding factor whether the prospects want to listen to you or not. If you get a yes, make sure to be direct and let them know how you can help them.  

Ask your prospects what they need

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An essential part of converting cold calls into sales is to make sure that you’re asking the right questions. Asking the right question will let you understand what your prospects need and what problems they are facing. 

You’ll have to learn from their pain points, try to put yourself in their shoes and see if your products can help out your prospects. You should do this because through sales calls we all are trying to build a long-term relationship with client’s and to do that you’ll have to know all the important information about them. Like, what do they need the most right now? What are their goals? Is this something they need immediately? 


It’s not tough to convert cold calls into sales. With the right strategy, preparation and technique, you can improve your sales call, and you’d be able to achieve your business goals quickly. 

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